Instructions of the Students & Information of the Parents / Guardians

YMCA School

*Parents should pay the Term fees and other fees promptly on or before the dates mentioned in the Hand Book

*If fees is not paid in time, students will not be allowed to attend classes or write the exam.

*All the students must come to the school only in the prescribed uniform

*Students must wear clean uniform, unsoiled socks and polished shoes.

*They should march in an orderly manner and not run about the assembly ground and shall not disturb the peace of the campus.

*Students should be punctual in coming to the school

* No pupil shall scribble on the wall or benches or in the class room or cause any damage to the school property. Any damage caused in violation of this, shall have to be compensated by parents

*The school shall not take any responsibility for the loss or damage of students’ belongings

*Correct date of birth should be given in the application form. No alteration in the date of birth will be made at the time of issuing Transfer Certificate.

*Students should be prompt in submitting their Progress Report Sheets

*Parents are requested to co-operate for the smooth functioning of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline in their children and show real interest in their children’s studies

*Parents are requested to meet the Principal atleast once in a month which will definitely help the children to improve their academic standard and discipline

*Costly things are forbidden and should not be brought into the school campus at all.

*All working saturdays are full working day